Media & Research


The X-ray of the human brain closeup image

Original Research: Academic Publications


Jacqueline’s research utilised neuroimaging data from the International Study to Predict Optimised Treatment Response (iSPOT-A) trial to analyse the underlying neural mechanisms and network pathways of the ADHD-Combined and ADHD-Inattentive presentation types using structural and functional data and brain network (connectomics) analyses. The iSPOT-A was an international, Phase-IV, multicentre, interventional open-label trial to identify objective diagnostic biomarkers of ADHD and predict treatment response to short-acting methylphenidate (MPH) in children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD.


Jacqueline’s research was undertaken as part of doctoral research at the University of Sydney and Westmead Insititute of Medical Research under the supervision of Assoc Prof Dr Mayuresh Korgoankar, and iSPOT-A academic and chief investigators: Professors Simon Clarke and Michael Kohn (Sydney University Medical School), and Professor Leanne Williams (Stanford Medicine).


List of Publications

Microphone stand in an event hall, audience in the blurry background

Media Appearances and Contributions

  • 8 May, 2010. RADIO 2SER, Affairs and Ashley Madison.Com

Radio 2SER’s journalist Angus Thompson talks to Jacqueline Saad on the dating website for married couples to have affairs and the implication of cheating partners.

  • 27 April 2010, Mornings with Kerri-Anne, How to Survive an Affair

Jacqueline Saad, Psychologist, joins Channel Nine’s “Mornings with Kerri-Anne” to
discuss the implications of cheating within a relationship.

  • 12 August 2010. Cheating Partners, TODAY show

Psychologist Jacqueline Saad joins TODAY to look at whether or not you should confront your friend if you are aware their partner is cheating.

  • 19 August 2010, Sleeping partners TODAY show

Jacqueline Saad joins TODAY to discuss the research which reveals couples who sleep apart are able to perk up their sex life.

  • 18 October 2010 National Nine News, Bullying

Jacqueline Saad consults to Channel Nine’s National Nine News on the implications of school bullying. Click here to watch the segment

  • That’s Life Magazine- Issue 32. Article: A Perfect Match

icon-pdf A Perfect Match Article. Issue 32. Thats Life Magazine.

  • 20 October, 2010. Channel 7 TODAY TONIGHT show. Psychology of Stealing

Jacqueline Saad featured on Channel 7 Today Tonight’s show to present psychological studies behind retail and employee theft as part of a press release for Checkpoint Systems release of the Global Retail Theft Barometer for 2010.

  • 18 November 2010. BNet Radio Interview with Phil Dobbie. Aussies Snub Technology

Jacqueline Saad talks to Phil Dobbie with HR Shiever on online meeting technology and why Aussies snub online meetings.

  • Madison Magazine Jan 2011 Issue Article Ultimatums

Jacqueline highlights the use of ultimatums in relationships.

icon-pdf Madison Magazine Jan 2011 Issue. Article: Ultimatums

  • April 2011 ,Cosmopolitan Magazine, Shrink Party

Jacqueline featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, April 2011, to trial a “Shrink Party” in an experiment to address the barriers individuals feel towards seeing a Psychologist by providing an opportunity in a group setting to experience time with  Psychologist.

icon-pdf Shrink Party

  • May 2011 Marie Claire Magazine, Jacqueline provides advice “Relationship Renovation” article

Jacqueline featured in Marie Claire magazine to provide its readers tips on how to “renovate your relationship”

icon-pdf Relationship Renovation

  • June 2011 Cosmopolitan Magazine, Suddenly a Step-Mum

Jacqueline providers Cosmopolitan readers with advice on step parenting with in a new relationship

icon-pdf Suddenly a stepmum

  • 27 May 2011, Mornings with KerriAnne


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